Problem: What are the key insights and needs surrounding a consumer healthcare
opportunity? Is there a focus area to dig deeper?
Team: Cross-disciplinary STEAM (6 members), Pfizer R&D lead
Tools: Google Scholar, Google Suite, Adobe CC, Miro
Role: Strategist, emissary, pitch presenter, "the plug"
Process: We began by conducting academic research to refine our working definition of the opportunity. We then surveyed relevant Facebook groups, collected over 450 responses, and analyzed this data. Meanwhile, I interviewed several experts and referenced their input to interpret trends in the data. From these trends we identified a potential persona. We mapped a value proposition for this persona and contextualized it via a PESTLE review. We then rapidly ideated solutions and fabricated lo-fi prototypes. We evaluated the ideas with constraint tables, then we solicited a few target consumers for feedback on the most viable. Synthesizing all of this, we arrived at a hypothesis.
Solution: Our team concluded that focus should be redirected to a precedent phenomenon of the original opportunity. Our deliverables included insights into consumer needs derived from user journey analysis, suggestions for target market segmentation, and a recommended orientation for honing future development.
Outcome: We pitched our deliverables and were well-received. The Richmond R&D division was unexpectedly dissolved soon after, so unfortunately follow-up wasn't available. To the chagrin of our team, three years later I happened upon a competitor's product that paralleled our recommendation.